Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Brief Guide To Child Psychology

The area of child psychology is in actual fact one of the most significant and well studied of all the branches that comprise the discipline of psychology. It aims to help with achieving a greater understanding of the behavior of children specifically through an understanding of their minds. It deals with children who range from the prenatal stage right up to the stage of adolescence. Particularly relevant aspects include both a child's emotional development as well as their social development.

The psychologist Jean Piaget has been credited with making a major breakthrough in this area when he posited his idea that children were not actually less intelligent than adults, rather they just thought in a different way. Previously the development of children right from birth through to adulthood was an area that was almost completely neglected. In fact very little work was done in this area regarding cognitive abilities or language usage. However interest in this field has now developed to the point of being one of the most debated of all the areas of psychology.

Nowadays, in fact, psychologists have finally agreed that a child's psychology is both unique and highly complex. However, the debates continue on many different points of this discipline and there are many existing perspectives. Experts especially tend to differ on issues such as whether early experiences count more than later experiences or whether nature or nurture is a more significant factor in certain areas of development.

Despite popular belief that factors such as genetics or personal characteristics are the only determining factors that influence a youth's behavior, this is not in fact the case. In reality, development actually encompasses many more factors than those contained within an individual. Factors such as environment, which can include social relationships and the surrounding culture, also play vital roles.

Specifically relationships with both peers and adults will no doubt effect how children ultimately think and learn, and therefore develop. These relationships can encompass those that are found not only within families but also in schools and peer groups.

Culturally speaking, this factor will contribute greatly to how a child develops their personality regarding the values they end up holding (perhaps for a lifetime) as well as how they ultimately view such things as traditions and customs. Culture will also be a factor in how children ultimately relate to their parents and perhaps even the type of education they eventually receive.

Another important factor in this area is the socioeconomic factor. There is no question that social class can be a fundamental factor in how a particular young person continues their development. In a similar vein, status, which is based upon several points including the level of education, how much money is earned and the jobs held as well as where they live, will ultimately have some impact.

It is moreover important to note that all the above factors are continually interacting. For example, although a particular child may have fewer opportunities because of the socioeconomic factor; this can be balanced out by concentrating on strengthening social relationships and even cultural ties.

So as we can see child psychology is undoubtedly a highly complex area that consists of a widely diverse range of topics. Areas that have to be understood in order that the whole field of child development can be grasped in its entirety can include areas such as genetics, language and sexual development. Conduct with psychologist Etobicoke today.

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